Brazil Trip | A Masters in Youth Ministry
Chris has just returned from a productive trip to the country of Brazil. In collaboration with Great Commission Youth Ministry (one of our Global...
A Future of Vibrant Asian Churches
And this number is expected to increase by 33% by the year 2050. This makes Asia one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world. Read...
Training Leaders | The 1:9 Podcast with Chris Davis
In this episode of the 1:9 Podcast, Chris Davis, founder of globalLead, discusses the importance of training leaders in ministry. He emphasizes that...
Training for those Ministering, Mentoring, and Multiplying.
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Ministering, Mentoring, and Multiplying Christian Leaders Around the World
Are you a ministry leader in...
... who desires to bring renewal to the churches and growth to the region of Asia?![]()
Apply for the globalLead Asia Academy--a two week program in October 2025 designed to provide Biblical, practical, and strategic training to equip leaders like you.![]()
DEADLINE to apply is April 15th.![]()
#globalleadacademy #ministrytraining #PastoralLeadership #ApplyNow #MinistryLeadership #ChurchLeadership #GlobalLEAD #nepal #Bangladesh #srilanka #Pakistan #india #myanmar #leadershiptraining #churchhealth
Thank you to our globalLead supporters, staff, and volunteers for making it possible to have a seat with leaders from around the globe to champion mentoring of pastors and leaders!
Calling All Passionate Church Leaders in Asia! 📢![]()
Are you a pastor, ministry leader, or disciple-maker who desires to train other leaders? The globalLead Academy – Asia is now accepting applications for our transformative, upcoming cohort in Nepal from October 28 to November 8, 2025!![]()
What You’ll Gain:
• Biblical and transformational ministry training from experienced mentors
• Practical tools to implement an effective discipleship strategy
• Connect with other passionate church ministry leaders from across Asia![]()
Apply now and secure your spot! Priority will be given to early applicants. ![]()
(Currently only available to leaders in Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Myanmar.)![]()
L1nk to learn more and to apply in comments.![]()
#globalLeadAcademy #MinistryTraining #PastoralLeadership #ApplyNow #ministryleadership #churchleadership #globalLead
globalLead ♦ 675 Straub Rd W Ste. 2 ♦ Mansfield, Ohio 44904 ♦ USA