It is important to note that God cared enough to speak of numbers, but only in the context of speaking about quality teaching and fellowship.
At globalLead, we realize that impact is measured not just by quantity (numbers), but quality (depth). We have seen God adding to your ministry through globalLead. We have added two additional divisions in our training programs: Church and Ministry Team Strategy and the Heart of the Leader (soul care for Christian leaders), to our existing Youth Ministry Strategy trainings. We have also added training locations in the Middle East and Belgium recently. God has also added staff to our team in the USA and we are seeking additional staff in Africa. We would like to add more USA staff in the future. Beyond the trainings and staff, our number of volunteer trainers continues to grow, and we have been increasing the size of our international board.
This growth is great to see and for you to be a part of. We desire as a team to not only add in all of the areas above, but also to keep quality and biblical teaching as our foundation. Thank you for your support of His quality and quantity of ministry. If God is leading you to grow along with us, would you pray about adding to your current support levels? All of the above expansion takes additional support as well.