When we face times of uncertainty and change all around us, we can typically take one of two paths. The first is to see the current environment as an obstacle. At globalLead, we could take this approach and say, “we cannot travel and train (most countries are under travel restrictions for both local and international travel). We could just wait this out and hope the pandemic changes soon then we can get back to what we do  – ministering, mentoring, and multiplying Christian leaders.” But we have taken the second path of recognizing the opportunities. In fact, our incredible teams around the globe have not bowed to the obstacles, but have embraced this season of opportunity! God has directed this path for those we serve and also has allowed us to be good stewards of the resources you as donors provide. Let me share just a few of the opportunities we have seen God provide.

 Leaders Soul Care Opportunities

Many leaders are facing the challenges of leading others in this season. People are sick, but more detrimental than the sickness is that people are being challenged economically. This is a huge burden on pastors and leaders. I have talked to several pastors of large churches globally who have seen their salaries reduced by 1/2 and some even more than that. These leaders need people to care for them. If the leadership of a church is struggling you can be doubly assured that the people of the church are struggling as well and not receiving the life-giving hope they all need. As we together care for leaders, they are healthier to care for the thousands upon thousands that they collectively impact. At globalLead we have served over 153 ministry leaders through our shortened Heart of the Leader events to care for the souls of Christian leaders (including  some of those in the photo above). Here is what these leaders have said about these events:

“This time helped me to understand and feel who precious a friend Jesus is to me and his unconditional love and humbleness towards me.” Jessica, Nepal

“To connect the word of God with the current situation. Once more acknowledging that Jesus is a real friend.” Farris, Kenya

Online Ministry Opportunities

When I was finishing up my doctoral studies last year a portion of my research findings showed that leaders who had access to recorded trainings were actually more deeply impacted than those who engaged in live Zoom video conference trainings. With this in mind, and because of the obstacles of travel, your globalLead team has established our Ministry Team Strategy training course to be accessible anywhere, anytime, by using the Google Classroom platform. In our initial course we have over 60 people going through the materials from 13 different countries across 5 continental regions.

Technical Opportunities

With so many people unable to travel, God has allowed us to meet leaders right in their homes using Zoom and other technologies. Although we are moving about in the USA, many around the globe are still under severe travel restrictions. If ministry leaders are stuck at home, what can they do? They can be further equipped for future ministry and how to use the technology in front of them to minister in this current season as well. We have trained 86 leaders over the past few months on how to use Zoom and other technologies to serve and to care for their own people.

Local Ministry Opportunities

Our administration team has taken this season of obstacles and exchanged it for the opportunity to streamline the globalLead operations. Led by Jack Dyson, our International Director of Operations, our team is busy working on converting to a new accounting system and donor development platform. We all know that these ministries are just as essential as what others are doing out in the field or through online ministry trainings. Without good internal systems, these field ministries cannot happen. 

Publishing Opportunities

One of the goals we had this year in the ministry was to publish one of our discipleship workbooks encompassing over 200 pages. This series is currently in the final editing and graphic design stage. This set deals with theological foundations that youth should know and understand, like Who is God? Who is Jesus? What About Sin? In addition, it will cover what we would call practical theology areas, like Why Should I Attend Church? Why Should I Tithe? How Can I Share My Testimony? This set is designed for both large and small group usage, as well as one to one discipleship. Once it is complete, we will tailor it for adults as well, so as parents can also use them as they disciple their youth. These are being developed in a non-cultural way so that the Biblical principles that have worked for 2000 years across hundreds of countries can be taught globally without obstacles. Other ministry publications are in the works as well.

Caring Opportunities

With the economic impact on people globally (in most locations the economic impact is much greater than the impact of the virus), we have had the opportunity to care for ministry leaders with practical financial needs. Through our accumulating Caring and Sharing Fund, we have been able to send financial support to leaders in financial need. Many church leaders are not getting paid. Many of these places depend on weekly physical cash offerings. They do not typically have electronic giving like we would here. Many church leaders are being laid off and have no unemployment benefits. We would like to continue to have funds to help these leaders. Would you consider an extra one-time donation to our Caring and Sharing Fund to help these leaders? Mark you extra gift below or send a separate online gift through our website at https://globallead.world/giving-ways-to-give/

Good Opportunities

The Apostle Paul reminds us all in Romans 8:28, that , “…we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” He is the only one who can take obstacles and turn them into eternal opportunities for good! You and I are called by Him to care for those around the globe and we have the opportunity before us  to do this together!

Chris Davis, Executive Director, globalLead