We have listed here the frequently asked questions (FAQs) we receive from our supporters and those interested in the mission as well as the FAQs we receive from the potential hosts of our trainings.

If you have additional questions feel free to contact us, we will be glad to respond. Know that if you have a question there are others who have the same question, so we appreciate your input.

Frequently Asked Questions from Seminar Hosts:

What am I responsible for as a host?

The host is responsible to handle all arrangements with their selected committee/team for the trainings. This includes promotion, budgeting, printing, hosting the guest speakers, setting up the location and many other details.

In addition, the host is responsible for setting a budget and seminar fee that will cover all of the expenses of the training. They also need to keep detailed records of all income and expenses to review with globalLead staff after the training. globalLead does not provide funding for the seminar as we are supplying the salary of the staff and in most cases we handle the international travel, a huge expense to get the trainer to your location. We believe this partnership with the hosts, the participants, globalLead, and the potential support of the local churches to send their invest in their leaders is important for everyone involved.

Can globalLead supply funding for the seminar?

As a policy, we do not provide actual cash funding. However, globalLead does supply the salary of the staff and in some international travel cases, we handle the huge expense to get the trainer to your location. We believe this partnership with the hosts, the participants, globalLead, and the potential support of the local churches to send their youth leaders is important for all involved. As a ministry, we are bearing well over half of the total cost to do a training by paying our staff and their travel expenses. We ask that you see this as a mutual partnership and join us in this partnership. Although this policy may differ from other mission groups, we are convinced that a mutual partnership is best for everyone. It gives participants ownership in their process of learning. It provides the church (if they assist in the financial aspect) accountability with those trained to challenge them to implement their knowledge into practice. It also insures that globalLead is not creating a dependency in those participants on globalLead funds, but it shows that we are investing and sacrificing in the process and that we believe in the abilities of youth leaders.

Is globalLead comfortable working with all denominations?

We believe in unity and diversity in the body of Christ, therefore we work with all evangelical Christian churches (to see the beliefs/doctrines we aspire to and those that would define evangelical Christians go to the Statement of Faith page). We have worked with and will continue to work with non-pentecostal and pentecostal churches. We do not promote the specific doctrines of either group within the trainings but create an atmosphere of agreement to focus on the similarities versus the differences. Throughout the history of the mission, we have never had a negative response from any churches in regard to doctrinal teaching issues.

FAQs from Supporters and Interested Parties:

How is the ministry supported?

As a faith-based mission organization, globalLead operates from the donations of churches and individuals. As a recognized 501(c)3 organization by the Internal Revenue Service, globalLead is sanctioned to receive these donations and to report them to the IRS.

We operate on a budget basis and therefore desire to have support on a regular basis, just as you as an individual, family or church would prefer regular income in order to look at future plans and the expenses involved.

God has enabled us to do a large amount of work with small amounts of funds. By utilizing a growing number of volunteer trainers as well as partnering with indigenous leaders we are able to create a multiplication style of ministry that allows huge amounts of ministry to occur with a smaller amount of support.

Although we accomplish quite a bit with a reasonably small amount of funding, we desperately need additional support to catch up to the requests we have for the work we do. We need to see our support increase at the same rate as the number of countries requesting our presence. We are sickened whenever we have to consider not doing a training for the leaders due to a shortage of funding.

What is the cost of a typical mission training trip?

On average it costs between $1200-$1400 per training trip in travel and visa costs alone. Some locations vary and if a country is closer to one of the hub countries of our trainers the cost may be lower. Some trips cost as much as $2500 per person to lead.

Do you charge the participants for the training?

We do not charge them directly for the training. globalLead covers all the expenses for the staff to be there at the conferences when it requires cross-border training. However, we do allow the local hosts to charge a seminar fee, only to cover the expenses of the notebooks, housing, meals, etc… for the event. Some missions come in and pay for everything, but we believe that local leaders in partnership with their churches can get the minimum funding necessary for a training seminar. Many locations can host the entire conference for a low cost of between $8-$25 US dollars for 4 full days per person. We also realize that when someone pays for something they take it more seriously.